The Full Story
Plant Dyes
We love plants. We love colors.
As a part of the radical movement for self-care, we aim to assist the needs of wombs and our Earth by promoting menstrual product waste reduction and a healthy holistic lifestyle; with plant-based flow panties, herbal medicines, and educational tools.
We honor & employ: femmes, fungi, plants, soils, and the elements.
Knowing that these fabrics touch an intimate place on our bodies; we honor the all natural fabrics; with all natural dye. It is a great joy to work with the plants in this way. The realm of color they offer is other[worldly] - unraveling them out of the dye bath, after Thanking the plants for their gifts, gives us so much pleasure.
Moon Bloomers

plant based intimates for .moon time.

Usually in rhythm with the Lunar cycle of Full & New Moon.

This sacred connection is a reminder that we are the Earth;
How we manage and make space for this time -
en ritual, every month, sets us up for the next cycle.
It is important for ourselves, and our community, to honor this time as a sacred window for healing and rejuvenation, journeying & deep insight.

As a creative organization, Moon Bloomers advocates health and sustainability by providing a lifestyle brand that aligns with our honor towards the land. We give back to the land, and want to continue to do so- by using plants that come out of a special garden, watered by sacred mountain water in the Taos Valley. We want to be working as close to the land as possible, from our hands to yours.